Wildcat MicroFund Logo

Criteria for Funding

  • Individual/team Must be State of Utah Resident
  • Be in business for less than one year
  • Achieved less than $30,000 in total revenue
  • Not have outside funding from grants, awards, or third-party funding
  • Operate business in the State of Utah for up to three years from the date of receiving an award
  • You must demonstrate a measurable need for your business

Application Portal

To apply for a cash award up to $3,000, you must first register for an account by clicking the "Register" button.

After signing on, you will be able to create an application and advance through the process.

For questions please email wildcatmicrofund@weber.edu.

Disclaimer: As a resource of Weber State University, the Wildcat MicroFund remains committed to serving communities across the State of Utah whatever their backgrounds or personal identities may be. The Wildcat MicroFund serves a large demographic across the State of Utah and takes measured and careful steps to provide support and resources in alignment with State Laws and USHE guidance. In accordance with those laws and guidance, no special privileges or resources will be provided to any populations based on a personal identity characteristic that is not available or accessible by everyone. Funding may be denied at any point in the process for any reason.